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Saturday 31 March 2018

31st March: Easter hymn

Easter Hymn

It's you again,
falling like a vagabond back into my heart.
It's you again,
spinning rhymes and riddles that tear these walls apart.
And am I me again,
sifting through old memories, the litter of our nights and days?

It's spring again,
rising like a promise and greening all the land.
It's spring again,
bringing light and warmth into the darkness where I stand.
And am I me again,
singing ancient melodies, the litanies that love betrays?

For I have walked the spiral path that led me deep into this night;
Step by step and stone by stone, the labyrinth has turned me round,
but never quite reached home.

The web of tears will trap me, bind me to the past,
unless at last I trust in what I cannot hold
and look beyond what I can see,
to sing the pilgrim liturgy.

It's you again,
lodging like a fallen angel here within my heart.
It's me again,
rising with green promises to tear these walls apart.
And so it's spring again,
bringing light and love and hope where darkness cannot stand...

So take my hand, and walk the spiral path to darkness and to light.
Step by step and stone by stone the labyrinth will turn us round
until at last we're home.

We do not choose the trap of fear that bound us to the past,
because at last we trust in what we cannot hold
and look beyond what we can see...

It's spring again, it's you again, it's me.

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