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Friday 13 April 2018

The penultimate old song!


I'm not going to try with pretty words
to write a song about the spring;
I'm not going to try
to count the raindrops or catch the wind.
It's enough to see the morning rise;
it's enough to watch the land coming alive.

I'm not going to try with pretty words
to write a song to make you mine;
I'm not going to try
to steal your bread or drink your wine.
It's enough just to see you smile,
it's enough to be with you this little while;
it's enough.

I'm not going to try with pretty words
to write a song about the dream
I'm not going to try
to paint the rainbow, say what I've seen.
It's enough to be coming home,
it's enough just to know, yes, just to know
that I'm not alone.

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