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Friday 20 April 2018


I wrote the following prayer as part of a study unit I am creating for the Seminary within which I am also continuing my post-doctoral studies.  I am choosing to use the Middle English term Godde as, for me, it carries both the masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral aspects of the Divinity, and I strongly prefer this to the use of either God - exclusively male - or Goddess - exclusively female.

Holy One,
strong and kind,
compassionate and resolute,
Godde who is all:
I kneel before your beauty and your love.

I thank you for the experiences of this day
and for your presence within it and within me;
I confess the many ways in which I miss the mark
and fall short of being true to my self.

Great and gracious Godde,
grant me your courage to face each new day,
grant me your wisdom in all my encounters with others,
and grant me your patience with my self.

I open my eyes to see you,
my ears to hear you,
my heart to know you...

Laugh and cry with me, Godde, my friend;
speak and move in me, Godde, my Lady and Lord;
live and love through me, Godde, my end and my beginning.

Wait for me, and all your children, until we find you;
inspire me, and all your children, until we serve you in each other
and in all your creation.

The earth and the heavens are your realm,
the power and the glory are yours,
now and for ever.
So mote it be.

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