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Monday 19 March 2018

Of snow and chickens...

After days of rain and wind, which rather marred the first visit to Brittany of Thomas and Amy, we now, on the heels of their departure, have snow - albeit not as much as the UK.
The garden is white, the birds are back to their ravenous selves, and the jonquils, which survived the trip from the south, have bent their heads in the face of all the white stuff. Wish I'd picked them all now, but hey, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

More wonderful is the news that we are going to have five additions to our pack. Our friends Brenda & David F. can't keep their little flock of hens, as they're needing to go to & fro to the UK more often these days. So, Mrs Fluffy-Bottom and her Gang of Four are coming to Karningul. I spent a large part of yesterday morning trawling the internet, as yet unsuccessfully, for a lovely new coop for them; and we already have names lined up for the anonymous four - Big Venus, Grey Malkin, Chick-Pea, and Little T. (after Teresa, our friend in Puivert, who started our chicken enthusiasm with her enormously healthy girls and their amazing eggs). Little T is already known as 'Teabag' :-)

Here is a pic. of them. Can't wait!

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