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Friday 23 March 2018

Turn up the Dark!

Lights out tomorrow evening: it's Earth Hour!
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

Every year, on the last Saturday of March, individuals, communities, households and businesses are asked to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., as a symbol for our shared commitment to the planet.

It’s a symbolic and spectacular lights out display with a big message – we want to protect the future of our planet from climate change.

Earth Hour is not necessarily a religious occasion, but here at Karningul, before we light the candles and turn off the electric lights, we'll be using this short responsive prayer:

Blessed is the Earth, our home:
Blessed is the Universe in which we are set.
Blessed is each star and flower, each drop of water,
and each person: all are part of the web of life:
May we honour, and strive to safeguard,
the wholeness of creation.
Blessed is the heritage of our land:
May we respect what we have received,
and be good stewards,
so that future generations may be glad for what we hand on.
Blessed are those whose hearts are full of awe and gratitude,
who walk gently upon this earth:
May we return to the balance of right relationship
with the earth, with all its creatures, and with each other.
Blessed be this celebration of the fragility,
and the strength, of the Earth:
In darkness and in light, we will rejoice!

Image result for earth hour 2018

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