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Friday 14 September 2018

Week Three: only 49 to go!

Week three is underway, and I have added logic puzzles to the daily mix of brain training, Sudoku, and Scrabble. 

The online version of Scrabble actually wasn't very good, and, not being able to find a better one for free, The William and I have reverted to the good old fashioned physical board game - and it's much more fun playing against a real person, although there are still dubious words appearing! :-)

I think the mistake I have made, though, with this month's programme is using apps that I've used before, so they don't have novelty value. The prime example of this is the Einstein Brain Trainer, which I do think is good, but I'm just feeling a bit jaded towards it. Nonetheless I have progressed, albeit in a rather up-and -down zig-zag, up to the rank of 'Famous Sage', so I must be doing something right - even though my mind still freezes when faced with mental arithmetic under time pressure. Ugh! NOT my bag. But that's what it's all about.

By way of compensation, I've introduced having the occasional treats - at the moment, chocolate chip cookies. Yum. And a sugar boost is very welcome after digging out, digging over, and raking, the new enormous shrub bed - known as the Red Hot Bed, as we're planning lots of bright colour, reds, purples, oranges, for a bit of a splash. 

Speaking of splashes, we've also decided where the boggy area and little pond (which will be made out of a paddling pool, like the one we had down south) will go - in the orchard, near a couple of stumps for sitting on under one of the many hazels, and near enough to the wiggly-waggly way which leads to the south parking for us to see any wildlife without disturbing it too much. I did have an ambitious plan to create a little hillock just beyond the old apple tree (which is still waiting for its swing to be hung) - but decided it's too much like very hard work even for us, and, having rejected the nice idea of bee-hives and donkeys, am waiting for inspiration to strike!

So, time for a cup of tea and then some academic work to do (re which, don't forget to check out my other blog: Not An Ivory Tower - and let me know what you think of the various pieces there... I look forward  to some reactions/responses!)

And tomorrow, a morning of weekend baking - bara brith (using apricots soaked in white wine, which I forgot have been in the fridge since last year until I found them this week!), flapjacks (now I've mastered the art of adding flour to Delia's rather crumbly recipe) and plum tarte tatin… well, we have some crème fraiche to finish off, so why not?!

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