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Saturday 8 September 2018

Too busy to blog?!

…Well, yes, pretty much this last couple of weeks, making the most of the so far sunny autumn to get some major work done in the garden before the weather changes. Last week I dug out 27 square metres of turf to make a metre wide path from the patio down to the chicken run, and laid the membrane, ready to be topped with gravel after William has made the edging. 

This week just gone, it was the turn of the hedge, thinning it back to half its width and pruning it right back around the hazels, oaks, flowering currants and roses that have been submerged in the privet and lonicera for so long - years and years I think. And we've taken time to enjoy the flowering of the sunflower forest...

… and of the Triffid, which is still growing longer and longer every day.

We've been pleased to see the bees, butterflies, and dragonflies all busy among the raised beds - although we think that the dragonfly may have mistaken the membraned path for a river. And to top it all, the hens are laying again, hurrah, so it's back to quiches and omelettes for us, using lots of the herbs which have done so well - including the parsley that the two Katies didn't eat! 

The house hasn't been forgotten, and all the blankets, bedspreads, rugs, and cushion covers, and nearly all the curtains have been washed, dried, aired, and put back in place.

But I haven't forgotten about the Brain Training, although I haven't found my brainiest time of day yet either! I enjoy some of the exercises, but the mental arithmetic ones, under time pressure, have me freezing in panic and engaging my fingers, even though I know I'm perfectly capable of doing them. Be that as it may, from last evening I've added in Sudoku and Scrabble, as per the plan, and am happy with both of those, although the 'Droid' I'm playing at Scrabble knows all those canny little two letter words that I don't!


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