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Thursday 27 September 2018

Catch up

Week 4 nearly completed already, so a good time for a little reflection on what I've learn/achieved/rejected so far...

First of all, I think I made a mistake by choosing some apps which I'd already used. As I noted before, they didn't have that novelty value which can keep you going. And I think it's more fun to play games with a real life competitor than with a machine! - While I can happily do Scrabble style word games, Sudoku, logic puzzles, and even Tetris on my kindle, it's much more fun playing a proper game of Scrabble with The William, using the old travel set that dates back to my childhood. 

However, the genius of weeks three and four was to add in treats and reading - To date I've enjoyed a few flapjacks, a couple of Mars bars, and have started a new novel for my bedtime reading: The Circle of Ceridwen, by Octavia Randolph, which dovetails nicely with the research I'm doing into pre-Christian beliefs in Britain - Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings. 

And what I hope will be the genius of the week after next, is that, rather than get tiny bottles of different perfumes, I've bought a set of essential oils, so it'll be fun to see which ones I prefer, and whether any of them have any apparent effect. 

Learning chess, yes, it'll have to be an app, as neither of us play - something for the future perhaps?!


Sept: Brain Training

Wk 1: 31Aug-7 Sept

Brain training app
Wk 2: 7-14 Sept

+ words (Scrabble) + numbers (Sudoku)
Wk 3: 14-21 Sept

+ logic (Logic puzzles) + eat treats!
Wk 4: 21-28 Sept

+ Tetris + reading
Wk 5: 28 Sept-5 Oct

+ strategy (Learn to play chess app) + get new perfume ready for next week

Oct: Mind Changing

Wk 6: 5 -12 Oct

Keep an extract of favourite scent near the bed. Open it & inhale when first waking up, & again as bathing & dressing. Change scent each week.

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