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Thursday 15 February 2018

Valentine's day +1

For William: an old song for a renewed love :-)


The summer song is simple, it reminds me
of the bleakness of the moors and the humming of the bees,
the haze above the meadow as the larks rise on the breeze,
and it reminds me...

The summer song is simple, it reminds me
of the dapple of the water and the sunlight through the leaves,
the poppies in the hedgerow and the swallows under eaves,
and it reminds me...

So touch me with your summer, as I touch you with my tears;
wash away my tears.
Raise me with your morning, raise me from my fears,
take away my fears, and I shall fly...

And I lose my heart to the summer, find my song in the summer.
Come following the sun, leading me on, leading me home.

So touch me with your summer, as I touch you with my tears;
wash away my tears.
Raise me with your morning, raise me from my fears,
take away my fears, and I can fly...

The summer song is simple, it reminds me
of the bleakness of the moors and the humming of the bees,
the haze above the meadow as the larks rise on the breeze,
and it reminds me...

Maggie. July 1976.

Image result for wensleydale aysgarth

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