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Tuesday 27 February 2018

The East Wind doth blow...

... and we shall have snow, apparently tomorrow night. So far we've had clear starry nights, mornings white with frost and frozen puddles (even Shadow's bottle of water in the car was frozen!) and a bitterly cold wind: definitely the time to get lots of use out of the thermal underwear and big jumpers that have been at the bottom of the drawer for the last three years!

But, despite the chill, we bravely went off to Rostrenen this afternoon, and, fingers crossed, may have actually made some progress in our application for Protection Complementaire: the nice man in the office made his own copies of some of our papers, kept a wodge of them with our application form, got our signatures, stapled and stamped them, and sent us off (in mild shock and triumph) 'to wait'... But at least it's out of our hands now, and all that marvellously meticulous that William nobly did might bear fruit!

Our second mission, to find tiles for the new shower room, failed: Brico Marche don't stock carrelage! But rather than trawl around, we decided to make the most of the sunshine, and have a walk with Shadow instead. (We can go to other Brico's tomorrow, as well as Lidl and le Clerc, oh joy!)

So, we stopped on the way home in Glomel, at the Etang de Corong. It's a lovely big lake, apparently created in the Middle Ages, with a dam (built in the nineteenth century), and it holds enough water so that the Nantes-Brest canal could function throughout the year... although in fact, parts of the canal, sadly, are not now navigable. There's a beach by the lakeside parking, with a small play area and a buvette (snack bar - not open yet), so I foresee lots of picnics and walks there in the future. Shadow loved it too, as he was able to go off-lead. I'm a bit wary of letting him off along the canal tow paths, as if he decided to jump in - or fell in - it'd be very difficult to get him out again! But the lake-side path was perfect. And next time we'll seek out the 'barrage'.

We're now home again, in front of the fire with cups of tea, thawing out! 

Image result for etang de corong glomel

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