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Thursday 22 February 2018

22nd February: a song of remembrance

For and from

Child with ringlets in your hair,
young man on a Norton;
Grocer serving all the customers,
and a father in his garden

Your mother at the pot-bank, your brother down the mine,
your cousins lost in Flanders Fields long before their time

Child with ringlets in your hair,
young man on a Norton;
Grocer serving all the customers,
and a father in his garden

Your sweetheart died in childbirth, her baby never cried;
You buried them on St Stephen's Day, and you added her name to mine.

In grief you left to fight the war and travel far and wide;
Your comrades died in Singapore, and your silence was their shrine

Child with ringlets in your hair,
young man on a Norton;
Grocer serving all the customers,
and a father in his garden

Your life was full of duty, but your heart was full of song;
I feel you all around me, although you've journeyed on.

I never said I love you, but I miss you all the time;
You left too fast to say goodbye, but I carry your life in mine

Child with ringlets in your hair,
young man on a Norton;
Grocer serving all the customers,
and a father in his garden;
my father in his garden:
My father.

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