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Friday 23 February 2018

An old song


I look at you across a room and see longing in your eyes,
I see all my dreams come true.
Everything I thought I'd never, never find, I find in you.
What do you find in me?

I sing to you my sweetest song and hear it echo in your mind,
I hear the harmonies ring true.
Everything I thought I'd never, never find, I find in you.
What do you find in me?

And sometimes when I feel so far away,
when I have no words to say,
I think of you.
And sometimes when the night is long and cold,
when I need someone to hold,
I think of you, I think of you...

I look at you across a room and see longing in your eyes,
I see all my dreams come true.
Everything I thought I'd never, never find, I find in you.
What do you find in me? What do you see? What do you see?

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