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Friday 31 August 2018

A Year to Change Day 1, Week 1, Season 1

6 p.m., and the year begins, my year to change, starting with my mind. So, the coming month focusses on brain training, starting with an app on my Kindle: BBG's Einstein Brain Trainer. 

The blurb says it was developed by a Japanese neuroscientist. There are 30 different exercises, and a daily test, so you can monitor whether your 'brain fitness' improves or deteriorates!

I've used it before, some while ago, and I liked the fact that it covers different facets of the brain, such as memory, logic, calculation and so on. 

Once I've got back into it, and familiarised myself with the different tasks, I'm planning to try using it at different times of the day to see when I'm most and least alert - I hope there'll be some variation :-)

……… Pause to upload the app ……… and to do the first set of exercises - possibly not the best time of day, early evening, after a long day of housework and heavy gardening. We shall see... 

… and the results are that I begin with a total' brain fitness' of 6459, which apparently puts me in the 9th Rank as a Studious Student! More tomorrow...

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