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Friday 3 August 2018

Staycation postponed for the weekend...

Today we were going to have a lazy-ish day at home, doing a few pottering about things and having lunch at the village restaurant, Les Retrouvailles. The latter part of the plan fell by the wayside when we discovered yesterday that the restaurant is closed for an unspecified holiday period, which makes sense from the point of view of Josianne and Gerard, as many of their usual working customers will be off for at least part of this month - but disappointing for us.

However, this morning I have really kyboshed things by slipping on the staircase - only from the penultimate step, fortunately - and bashing my back rather badly between the shoulder blades. Ow. And then some. I was carrying a small potted plant at the time, a Kalanchoe, going outside for some fresh air and sunshine, so the living room floor got rather covered with soil, which The William cleaned up while I crawled about testing all my bits are still working ok - which they are. Just rather a shock and rather painful, although eased by good old ibuprofen and a hot bath. 

So having had to postpone our original staycation due to The William's back, it's now postponed again due to mine! What are we meant to learn from this, do you think? Are we trying to do/carry too much? Probably, but who doesn't - and who would if we didn't?! So no deeper meanings, just a bit frustrating: I was looking forward to playing in the garden!

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