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Tuesday 27 June 2017

Manchester & London – signs of the times?

One of our most regular, and very welcome, visitors while we've been living here has been Brigit, a Dutch woman, in her early 70s, who lives near Esperaza, a little market town about an hour away. Brigit and her German husband, whom we have also met, are Jehovah's Witnesses. And I do so admire, and somewhat envy, the strength of their convictions! 

We have had some great discussions with her, sometimes I think rather shocking her with some of our views, such as being evolutionists while, on a good day, believing in a Creator God, and questioning whether the Bible can accurately be described as The Word of God. My take is that the word of God may be in the Bible, in terms of the inspiration of its human writers, but not in an exclusive way: I find it hard to accept the concept of a God who doesn't interact with creation in many ways, with many 'voices', manifest in many cultures, faiths, and philosophies. 

That said, I would love to possess that absolute faith in the infallible truth of the Bible. If I could do that then yes, I might well agree with Brigit and the JWs that, since 1914, the destruction of the present world system has been imminent, and that afterwards God's peaceful kingdom will be established on earth. If only! But my sceptical and academically trained mind does not allow me that comfort. 

Sorry, Brigit.

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