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Tuesday 27 June 2017

In Limbo

More horrors and lives lost: the fire at the Grenfell Tower, the hate attack on the Finsbury Park mosque, and forest fires in Portugal. And yet here the worst we are experiencing is frustration with the vagaries of the sale/purchase process (can't book the removers until we have a date; won't have a date until the sale is confirmed; can't confirm the sale until the buyers' mortgage is confirmed; can't progress the purchase until the sale is confirmed... ) and the enervating effects of the continuing heatwave.

Yes, I do count my blessings - and hope that Sunday's victory of LREM is one of them! But Limbo – traditionally the edge of hell, a realm for un-damned sinners - is not the most comfortable place to be: we feel powerless, out of control, and therefore vulnerable.

For the pedantic such as myself, please note that Limbo and Purgatory, often muddled up, are not the same: Purgatory is the place of purification (purging) for those destined for heaven, and no-one stays there for ever, while Limbo is where we get stuck... or can we limbo dance out? If so, I shall eschew my 20 minutes of cross-training three times a week for bendy back exercises pronto, although in this heat I shall still need a good cleansing afterwards!

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