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Thursday 25 January 2018

A red red rose

Happy birthday, Robert Burns, born 1759, and celebrated with haggis and whisky tonight (The William will be in the kitchen later; his haggis is The Best!)

But while I like the veggie haggis and the whisky, I'm not all that keen on the poetry...
Give me instead a contemporary poet, such as Robin Robertson, born in the best of years, 1955. Here, only two months early, is his 'Annunciation':

after Fra Angelico

He has come from the garden, leaving
no shadow, no footprint in the dew.
They hold each other's gaze at the point
of balance: everything streaming
towards this moment, streaming away.

A word will set the seed
of life and death,
the over-shadowing of this girl
by a feathered dark.
But not yet: not quite yet.

How will she remember the silence
of that endless moment?
Or the end, when it all began - 
the first of seven joys
before the seven sorrows?

She will remember the aftersong
because she is only human.
One day
she'll wake with wings, or wake
and find them gone.

Image result for fra angelico annunciation

1 comment:

  1. Should anyone desire the recipe for
    The William's World Famous Vegan Haggis,
    a request through the comment form would do it :-)
