The page you are currently looking at is my day-to-day blog. There are others! You can navigate to them by using the links on the right hand side of this page, and then between them in a similar fashion. Not An Ivory Tower is a collection of some of my writings deriving from my post-doctoral research with an inter-faith seminary in the States; Celebrating the Year offers thoughts, short liturgies, prayers, food suggestions, and decorative ideas for various festivals, times and seasons; Tro Breizh is the beginning of a devotional calendar of Breton saints; Threshold contains templates/scripts which can be personalised (with my help if you wish) for such occasions as births, betrothals, marriages, new homes, farewells, and partings; and Finding Balance is a series of workshops based on the chakra system. Explore, browse, enjoy - and please do send me your feedback via the comments boxes!

Friday 5 January 2018

A Red Letter Day

5th January 2018

Yesterday had it's excitements: doing some online study I came across a link to a 'longevity calculator' - and the outcome of the questionnaire was that I should live to be 98! Wow... 36 more years - great! (providing William has 34 more years, and we both stay healthy)

But today's excitement tops that: my certificates arrived for my graduation as Doctor of Divinity and Ordination as an Interfaith Minister (which were both conferred on 6th December by a Theological Seminary in the States). Now there's a surprise for all of you who didn't know that I've been quietly but actively working towards them since we came here. In a way I think I've actually been working towards them all my life - all those years of work, service, and study, all that joy and sorrow and spiritual development... So it's amazing to have that recognised and affirmed in this way.  I know that in one way they're just pieces of paper, but the significance of them gives me a buzz. And it makes me smile not only to be a Lady, but also a Reverend Doctor! What fun :-)

It's also, at long last, a beautiful sunny day here in Brittany: so good to see the blue skies and sun again after weeks of grey clouds, rain, and constant winds.
I've begun working on a calendar of the Breton saints: it's quite a puzzle finding stuff out about some of them. We're going to go back to the wonderful Valley of the Saints soon – it's only about 30 minutes from here.

Image result for vallee des saintes

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