The page you are currently looking at is my day-to-day blog. There are others! You can navigate to them by using the links on the right hand side of this page, and then between them in a similar fashion. Not An Ivory Tower is a collection of some of my writings deriving from my post-doctoral research with an inter-faith seminary in the States; Celebrating the Year offers thoughts, short liturgies, prayers, food suggestions, and decorative ideas for various festivals, times and seasons; Tro Breizh is the beginning of a devotional calendar of Breton saints; Threshold contains templates/scripts which can be personalised (with my help if you wish) for such occasions as births, betrothals, marriages, new homes, farewells, and partings; and Finding Balance is a series of workshops based on the chakra system. Explore, browse, enjoy - and please do send me your feedback via the comments boxes!

Monday 15 October 2018

Roscoff, Newhaven, and Week Seven already

So, week seven of my Year to Change already, but I've gone a bit time-less, having spent a few days visiting friends in the UK.

The ferry from Roscoff left in bright sunshine...

… and the UK was mild and sunny - if a bit blowy along the sea-front...

… but I was unprepared (despite the awesome veggie brunch plate to fortify me!)

for the chilly, wet weather back here in Brittany. Oh dear, a foretaste of what's to come? - I do hope not!

This week's 'task', while continuing to sniff and enjoy the different essential oils (rosemary last week, geranium this) is to use my non-dominant hand for everyday things like tooth and hair brushing - feels very strange, and very gently, compared with my usual routine - but then, that's the idea! I've not continued the various brain-training exercises from last month, but next week's suggestions about doing something/s differently, such as changing routines, looking at things upside-down, and learning something new will be fun.

My 'learning something new' is actually more like teaching, as I'll be working on some new study units for the seminary in the States (which awarded me my doctorate last December) to do with Northern/Norse and Germanic pre-Christian religions... à propos of which, please don't forget to have a look at my other blog page, Not An Ivory Tower - lots of stuff to browse there, and the link to it is on the right of this page. Enjoy! :-)

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